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Animal Welfare and I Part VI


Radhika and I together we have many rescues stories to share. One such is that of a community dog who lived near her home. This fella was one big notorious kid. He had developed a wound and later there were maggots infestation. First time in net, the boy escaped by breaking the net with his teeth. Second time we somehow managed to get the dog in the van with the net and I drove him to the Angel Lady’s shelter. She treated him well and some three or four days later this guy ran off from the shelter. The group leader hid his face for a few days until Radhika mentioned that the dog had returned to his spot! I was amazed by this return. The miracles that mother nature brings forth all the time are euphoric.

There was another case in my neighborhood. During each drive for about three months were trying to get hold of this female dog, she escaped every time. Then she was pregnant again. Finally two of her pups survived to adulthood and she almost willingly got in the vehicle for spaying. We practically celebrated that day.

Radhika took over the task of registering herself and I as community Animal Feeders with AWBI and got it done through all the follow ups and all. I would always in awe of Radhika’s tenacity to get things done. 

From Radhika, I came to know that she and few of her friends were taking turns of feeding the community dogs. Till then some kind hearted people from my neighbourhood and I would go feeding individually every day. There were occasions when the dogs would be overfed or completely hungry! And then a lot of times the food especially the kibbles would get mixed with the mud. Some people would occasionally want to earn “Punya” by feeding leftovers. I had seen many jerks pouring spicy curries with or without rice on newspapers or directly on soil. The place used to stink, the powerful dogs would attack the weaker ones because all the food used to be thrown at one place. People who would be talking for hours about social hygiene seemed to have forgotten about it when it came to discarding the used diapers, sanitary napkins and leftover food.

When AWBI sent the letter of recognition as “Community Animal Giver”, they also sent several guidelines regarding feeding. The feeding area should be designated and away from entrances, the food should be served in reusable bowls preferably in stainless steel. With each right comes a corresponding responsibility, and people often forget that.

Some of friends and acquaintances also started contributing financially or through stuff like rice. One kg of uncooked rice, mixed with chicken once cooked could feed about 10 to 12 dogs. I would feed three days a week and other two took over 2 days each. Of course this was not hard and fast rule. This feeding helped a lot. Like getting the dogs friendly, they became quiet in nights.

Some people looked at Animal Welfare as waste of time and money. They would simply have one solution: “S#00t at sight” I have never understood this mentality. Some people wanted the content for social media. There were people who would just pass on my number without my knowledge and I would received random calls for rescue and foster. There were times when people would call from places some 30 kms away from my place and expected me to be there in no time. People including my relatives and so called friends never shared my number when it came to referring me for the business Zenith Odyssey that I am running. 

Once I received a call from one such person I know of. This person lived near Market yard, I lived near Santosh Hall on Sinhgad road. There was an injured bird in the garden. That call was not a request but a direct demand. I am going out for work, you come and pick up and take the bird away. When I suggested that Katraj Snake Park is closer for you, there were bad words which insulted me directly and then I hung up the call. Till date this person has never ever contributed to the cause.

There were times when we rescued in hostile conditions. At least 4 times, I had dog bites. And the group and I paid for the medical expenses. We have picked up the ailing dogs thrown in garbage. We have picked up the dogs with severe skin infections. We have picked up the dogs with maggots and filled with ticks and fleas. And people just seem to have to lost compassion. The understanding of coexistence is diminishing each day. The respect for other life has vanished. People call themselves Hindu, but forget the very basic principal from Bhagavat Gita.

अहमात्मा गुडाकेश सर्वभूताशयस्थित: |

अहमादिश्च मध्यं च भूतानामन्त एव च || 20||

I exist in all living beings I am the beginning, middle, and end of all beings.

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