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Animal Welfare and I Part IV


People would come to her to adopt dogs. Most of them would be looking for free puppies of exotic breeds. Many didn’t want to take home any dog that would have been previously owned. Hardly anyone wanted to have the local indie dogs.

The group also used to organize Adoption camps. People used to huddle up only to see puppies in the pens. The caregivers of these puppies would mostly be heartbroken since very few pups would be adopted.

The kitties would find homes quickly but getting the dogs adopted used to be real hard work. Once another lady and I visited an elderly couple who wanted to adopt a pup. We took some 4 healthy pups in carrier in an auto rikshaw. When I realised that the energy levels of the couple together wont match to that of the pup, I told the lady and she instantaneously agreed. We brought the pups back.

Another time, a family had adopted a pup during adoption camp. When we called to inquire about how the pup had settled with the family, we were told the pup was missing. We went to visit this family’s home, the man insulted us badly and the caregiver practically cursed the family. The reaction of the family was it’s just a dog! A big drama happened that day. The caregiver had also cursed a five year old child from the family. I strongly disliked that. There was another round of argument, this time between me and her. My view has always been clear about this, although life of a dog is important, another life is important too. And here the child had no play in the situation because his parents were at fault. Anyway!

If ten people adopted the puppies during such adoption camps, at least four would be returned with in a week. And there were incidents when people re-homed the pups without informing us. We of course didn’t want to keep minute to minute update of pup’s movements but we needed the to keep the track of the pup during the first few months till the pup would settle with the family along with vaccination and later facilitate the sterilization process.

Overall, I realized that people didn’t want the Indian cross breed dogs. This belief was reinforced when I brought Misha home.

Misha was one the three sisters who were dropped off by someone. One of the community dogs that I used to feed was due for sterilization. However, by the time we could get an appointment, she was pregnant and due any moment. We cancelled the appointment and let her deliver the pups peacefully. She had delivered some 8 pups. Then the series of deaths started. The youngest of the lot died due to weakness because it was thrown away by the stronger pups while nursing. Then two died due to Parvo Virus. Then one died because probably some adult dog didn’t want competition. This is when Misha along with her two sisters was dropped near this nursing mother. Again we had seven pups to tend to. I kept making fruitless attempts on social media to get the females adopted.

Then one bad day, two of the pups which were born to Chimu were found dead. Next day, one of the two sisters of Misha went missing. A couple of days later, someone contacted me to adopt the only male dog left there. They came and took the pup with themselves and it was agreed that if they think they can’t keep the pup they’ll return within a month’s period. And they actually returned the pup on the last day of the month!

When I discussed the matter with the family, the man of the house wanted the dog but wasn’t ready to put in any efforts. The lady who disliked any pets was expected to feed, to train, to clean after and do everything for the pup. Obviously she didn’t want additional responsibility with probably no cooperation from the family!

Meanwhile, We found Lola a greyish pup of Chimu gravely injured. I took her home. Toby looked after her too well. He would clean her wound, keep her close all the time. After almost a week, I dropped Lola back her her mother’s place. Then the next Sunday she was found dead due to snake bite.

We tried to rehome the male pup returned by the family, but the pup ran away from place and was never found.

Now we had only Misha and her sister were left. I was profusely trying to get both adopted. However one early morning, a bus ran over Misha’s sister. I was away on work that day. Misha had kept by her carcass for almost four hours or so till the other caregivers noticed the mishap. I returned late that night and next day morning first thing I brought Misha home.

I had no plans to keep Misha forever. All my tries went in vein. Some people had audacity to tell on my face that Misha was not that cute and she had typical Indie dog looks so it would be difficult to get her adopted. With a sorry state of mind, I left her with the pack she had become part of. And to my surprise she had returned home before me. I had no option but to accept her as part of my clan.

I had a feeling of remorse for not getting Chimu spayed in time. So many lives had no reason to end so painfully.

Around same time, a paralyzed female at the shelter had gotten pregnant. I kept trying to convince the angel lady to start neutering/spaying the dogs at the shelter. She kept saying it’s God’s decision and gift, who are we to interfere.

I was facing biggest dilemma of my life!

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