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Showing posts from 2018

Diary Entry - 3 May 2018

It's about 2 AM of 4 May 2018. That means I haven't slept for just 21hours... My sleeplessness is not my worry but what kept me awake is... There was this kid in the neighborhood. A little young, seemingly in bad company, had no respect for people depending on financial status... As in this is how I have "judged" him! And what I get to hear today is he is no more... A news that delivered to me very plainly. Fighting my own rounds of depression this news has put me in a state of shock. I neither knew the kid really well nor we were connected on Facebook. He was just a part of my past... I was adolescent when he was a kid who ran around the blocks. That's kind of memory I have... Or the one where we discussed about who should park the car where etc. But something inside me moved. I don't know what, how and why... but it did. I dare say Rest in Peace! I can see a family ripped apart, I can see a father fighting his tears all alone, I can see a house waitin...