I hope you arrived happy at Heaven.
Since you are gone, I have been enjoying too much of freedom.
Now I can sleep late in the mornings and dont have to think about walks in the morning.

I eat my pavbhaji, Patra and Khandavi, eggs and all the sweets all myself and with no annoying eyes staring at it and no one drooling over it.
Now I am more free to travel and trek as much as I like and dont have to return to anyone waiting and excited with wagging tail.
I dont have to worry about spending my money as it is only for me now.
I ride my bike as fast as I can and dont have to worry about a tail that may get scratched.
The house is now really tidy and well maintained and doesn't stink of anything. I now sleep on a soft bed in my room and dont have to roll a mattress every night in the drawing room anymore.

But the changes which are now great are the ones I would trade for just another few minutes with you. Happy Birthday my child.
Its been 344 days since you are gone and you were missed for every second of it. Now my life seems crowded but it has never been as lonely.
Missing you with all my heart.
Your mom...