Film: Amazing Spiderman (2012)
I couldn't get the original dialogues word by word but here's the scene which impressed me the most.
The scene is when Spideman attempts to rescue a scared kid stuck in the car hanging by the bridge.
Spiderman offers his mask to the kid & tells him that the mask is magical, it would offer the strength (courage) to the kid to get out of his seat & move towards.
The kid somehow believes and takes the mask & wears. Spiderman then helps the kid to reach atop the bridge & hands over to his dad.

This scene portrays characteristics of a true friend.
That they wont leave you when you need them, That they stand by you when you are at the lowest.
That they help you in every possible way. They bring the best out of you, Give you strength when you are weak and do every possible thing to make everything alright...
The lesson from the childhood holds good everyday of our life: To Have A Friend, Be A Friend.
No wonder at the end of the movie, when Spiderman is at his lowest of strength, this kid's dad helps him on his way to reach the destination.