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Highlights of the Union Budget 2012-13

Highlights of the Union Budget 2012-13
1) GDP growth is expected to be 7.6 per cent (+ 0.25 percent) during 2012-13.
2) Agriculture and services continuing to perform well, India’s slowdown
can be attributed to weak industrial growth.
3) Growth recovery, Private investment, Supply bottlenecks, Malnutrition
and Governance matters are the five objectives of the budget 2012-13.
1) For better e-governance a central “Know Your Customer” depository to
be developed.
2) Government will bring a White Paper on Black Money.
3) UID-Aadhar to get adequate funds for enrolment of 40 crore persons.
4) The central plan scheme monitoring system would be expanded to
facilitate better tracking and utilisation of funds released by the central
5) Amendment to the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act,
2003 (FRBM Act) proposed as part of Finance Bill.
6) New concepts of “Effective Revenue Deficit” and “Medium Term
Expenditure Framework” introduced.
1) Mobile based fertilizer management system has been designed to provide
end-to-end information on the movement of fertilisers and subsidies from
the manufacturer to the retail level; LPG transparency portal has been
launched to improve customer service and reduce leakage; scaling up and
rolling out of Aadhar enabled payment for government schemes in at least
50 districts.
2) Revised Guidelines will be issued on priority sector lending based on a
committee set up by RBI report.
3) Irrigation, Terminal markets, Common Infrastructure in agriculture
markets, soil testing in laboratories and capital investment in fertilisers
will be eligible for Viability Gap Funding.
4) Financial package of Rs. 3,884 crore for waiver of loans to handloom
weavers and their cooperative societies; mega handloom clusters in Andhra, Jharkhand; weaver service centres in Mizoram, Nagaland and
Jharkhand ; power loom mega cluster in Maharashtra; Rs. 500 crore pilot
schemes for geo-textiles in North-Eastern region.
5) Allocation to agriculture enhanced; RKVY gets Rs. 9,217 crore; BGREI gets
Rs. 1,000 crore; Rs.2242 crore project to improve dairy productivity; Rs. 500
crore for coastal aquaculture.
6) Bharat Livelihood Foundation to be established to support livelihood
interventions particularly in tribal areas.
7) Interest subvention for short-term crop loans to farmers at 7 per cent
interest continues; additional 3 per cent for prompt paying farmers.
8) Rs. 200 crore for awards to incentivise agricultural research.
1) Projects covering length of 8800 km to be awarded under NHDP against
7,300 km during 2011-12.
2) Interest subvention of 1 percent on housing loans upto Rs. 15 lakh
extended for one more year.
3) Tax Free Bonds of Rs. 60,000 crore to be allowed for financial
infrastructure projects.
4) Infrastructure debt fund to tap overseas market for long tenor pension and
insurance fund has been established.
5) ECB in road construction projects is proposed.
6) Allocation of Road Transport and Highways Ministry enhanced by 14 per
cent to Rs. 25,360 crore.
7) Investment in 12th Plan in infrastructure to go upto Rs. 50,00,000 crore;
half of this is expected from private sector.
8) Direct import of ATF has been permitted by Indian carriers as actual users.
9) ECB for working capital requirement of the airline industry has been
proposed for a period of one year.
10) ECB in low affordable housing projects proposed.
11) Credit guarantee trust fund to ensure better flow of institution credit to
housing loan proposed.
12)India opportunities venture fund with SIDBI has been proposed to
enhance availability of equity to MSME sector.
13)Ministries and CPSEs to make a minimum of 20% of their annual purchase
from MSEs.
14) Government is focused on FDI in multi-brand retail and efforts will be
made to reach broad based consensus.
15) Provisions under rural housing fund increased to Rs. 4,000 crore from Rs.
3,000 crore.
1) 34 per cent increase in allocation to National Rural Livelihood Mission, to
Rs. 3915 crore. 2) Widow pension and disability pension raised from Rs. 200 to Rs. 300 per
3) Grant on death of primary breadwinner of a BPL family in the age group
18-64 years doubled to Rs. 20,000.
4) National Urban Health Mission is being launched.
5) RTE-SSA gets Rs. 25,555 crore allocation, showing an increase of 21 per
cent; 6000 schools to be set up at block level as model schools in the 12th
Plan; Credit Guarantee Fund to be set up for better flow of credit to
6) Multi-sectorial programme to address maternal and child malnutrition in
200 high burden districts.
7) Scheduled Caste Sub Plan allocation increases by 18 per cent to Rs. 37,113
crore; Tribal Sub Plan by 17.6 per cent to Rs. 21,710 crore.
8) National Mission on Food Processing to be started in cooperation with
State Governments.
9) For generating employment Rs. 1000 crore allocated for National Skill
Development Fund.
10) Rural drinking water and sanitation gets 27 per cent rise in allocation to
Rs. 14,000 crore; PMGSY gets 20 per cent rise to Rs. 24,000 crore.
11) Central subsidies to be brought down in the next 3 years.
1) Defence services get Rs. 193407 crore; any further requirement to be met
2) 4000 residential quarters to be constructed for Central Armed Police
3) Guidelines have been approved for establishing joint venture companies
by Defence public sector undertaking in PPP mode.
1) Rs. 15,888 crore to be provided for capitalization of public sector banks
and financial institutions.
2) Swabhimaan (a campaign to extend banking facilities through business
correspondents to habitations with population of more than 2000) has
covered more than 70000 habitants out of identified 73000 and remaining
habitations to be covered by march 31, 2012.
3) 81 RRB’s have successfully migrated to CBS and has joined the National
Electronic Fund Transfer System (NEFT).
1) The Budget proposes tax incentive for new investors as well as tries to
broaden the investor base and reach of IPOs. IPO equity offer above Rs 10
crore to be made electronically is a big step ahead. Allowing Electronic Voting
facility shall provide opportunities for wider shareholder participation. 2) Simplification of process of issuing Initial Public Offers (IPOs) and lowering
of cost would improve the investment climate in the country.
3) Allowing Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs) to access Indian Corporate Bond
market, Tax Free Bonds of Rs. 60,000 crore for financial infrastructure projects;
Setting up of Rs. 5,000 crore India Opportunities Venture Fund for MSME sector to
help small enterprises, allowing External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) to part
finance Rupee debt of existing power projects and Efforts to arrive at broad based
consensus with state governments on allowing FDI in multibrand retail up to 51 per
cent would boost up market sentiments and improve the depth of capital markets.
Removal of restriction on Venture Capital Funds (VCFs) to invest only in
nine specified sectors shall promote higher level of investments.
1) The Exemption limit for the general category of individual taxpayers enhanced
from Rs. 1,80,000 to Rs. 2,00,000 giving uniform tax relief of Rs.2,000. Further, slab
of 20% proposed to increase from 8,00,000 to 10,00,000. It is in line with DTC.
2) In another relief to the individual taxpayers, a deduction of up to Rs. 10,000 has
been proposed for interest from savings bank accounts. This would help a large
number of small taxpayers with salary incomes upto Rs. 5 lakh and interest from
savings bank accounts upto Rs. 10,000 as they would not be required to file
income tax returns.
3) It has also been proposed to allow deduction of Rs. 5,000 for preventive health
4) For senior citizens not having income from business, it has been proposed to
exempt them from payment of advance tax.
5) A new scheme called Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings scheme is proposed to
encourage flow of saving in financial instruments and improve the depths of
domestic capital market. In this Scheme a deduction of 50 per cent to proposed to
be allowed to new retail investors, who invest up to Rs 50,000 directly in equities
and whose annual income is below Rs 10 lakhs. The scheme will have lock-in
period of three years.
6) With a view to bring down Tax litigation and provide Tax certainty to the foreign
investors, proposed introduction of Advance Pricing Agreement (APA). In
Globalized Economy with expanding cross border production chains, APA can
significantly bring down tax litigation and provide tax certainty to foreign
investors. Though APA has been included in the DTC Bill, 2010 the government
has brought forward its implementation by introducing it in the Finance Bill 2012.
7) The rate of STT reduced to 0.1% on every cash delivery transaction.
8) To provide low cost funds to stressed infrastructure sectors, the rate of
withholding tax on interest payments on external commercial borrowings (ECBs)
has been proposed to be reduced from 20 per cent to 5 per cent for three years.
These sectors are power, airlines, roads and bridges, ports and shipyards,
affordable housing, fertilizer and dams. 9) To promote higher level of investments, the restriction on Venture Capital Funds
(VCFs) to invest only in nine specified sectors has been proposed to be removed.
10) It has further been proposed to remove the cascading effect of Dividend
Distribution Tax (DDT) in a multi-tier corporate structure. Remove cascading
effect of dividend distribution tax.
11) Tax rate on dividends at a lower tax rate of 15 per cent as against the tax rate of 30
per cent for one more year i.e. upto March 31, 2013 proposed to continue to allow
repatriation of dividends from foreign subsidiaries of Indian companies to India.
12) Investment linked deduction of capital expenditure incurred in the businesses of
cold chain facility, warehouses for storage of food grains, hospitals, fertilizers and
affordable housing at the enhanced rate of 150 per cent, as against the current of
100 per cent. Also new sectors have been proposed to be added for the purposes
of investment linked deduction which include bee keeping and production of
honey and beeswax, container freight station and inland container depots and
warehousing for storage of sugar.
13) To deter the generation and use of unaccounted money, a series of measures have
been proposed. The measures include:
o Introduction of compulsory reporting requirement in case of assets held
o Allowing for reopening of assessment upto 16 years in relation to assets held
o Tax collection at source on purchase, in cash, of bullion or jewellery in excess
of Rs. 2 lakh.
o Tax deduction at source on transfer of immovable property (other than
agricultural land) above a specified threshold.
o Tax collection at source on trading in coal, lignite and iron ore.
o Increasing the onus of proof on closely held companies for funds received
from shareholders as well as taxing share premium in excess of fair market
14) Taxation of unexplained money, credits, investments, expenditures etc., at the
highest rate of 30 per cent irrespective of the slab of income.
15) To promote investment in research and development (R&D), the weighted
deduction of 200 per cent proposed to extend for R&D expenditure in an in-house
facility beyond March 31, 2012 for a further period of five years.
16) It has also been proposed to provide weighted deduction of 150 per cent on
expenditure incurred for agri-extension services in order to facilitate growth in the
agriculture sector.
17) For the power sector, besides measures for accessing low cost funds, sunset date
to be extended by one year for power sector undertakings so that they can be
setup on or before March 31, 2013 for claiming 100 per cent deduction of profits
for ten years. Additional depreciation of 20 per cent in the initial year is proposed
to be extended to new assets acquired by power generation companies. 18) In order to moderate the outgo on profit linked deductions, it has been proposed
to extend the levy of Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) on all persons other than
companies, claiming profit linked deduction.
19) General Anti Avoidance Rule (GAAR) proposed in order to counter aggressive tax
avoidance schemes, while ensuring that it is used only in appropriate cases, by
enabling a review by a GAAR panel.
20) In order to augment funds for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), on sale of a
residential property to be exempted, if the sale consideration is used for
subscription in equity of a manufacturing SME company for purchase of new
plant and machinery.
21) Providing relief to a large number of SMEs, it has been proposed to raise the
turnover limit for compulsory tax audit of accounts as well as for presumptive
taxation from Rs. 60 lakh to Rs. One crore.
A) Services Tax
1) Service tax rate is being increased from 10 per cent to 12 per cent, with
consequential change in rates for services that have individual tax rates.
2) All services will now attract service tax, except those in the negative list. The
negative list has 17 heads and includes specified services provided by the
government or local authorities, and services in the fields of:
o Education,
o Renting of residential dwellings,
o Entertainment and amusement,
o Public transportation,
o Agriculture
o Animal husbandry.
3) In addition to the negative list, there is a list of exemptions which include health
care, services provided by charities, religious persons, sportspersons, performing
artists in folk and classical arts, individual advocates providing services to nonbusiness entities, independent journalists, and services by way of animal care or
car parking. Exemption of the services of business facilitators and
correspondents to banks and insurance companies also announced. Construction
services relating to specified infrastructure, canals, irrigation works, post-harvest
infrastructure, residential dwelling, and low-cost mass housing up to an area of
60 under the Scheme of Affordable Housing in Partnership are also
included in the exemptions. Exemption limit for the monthly charges payable by
a member to a housing society raised from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 5,000.
4) Common simplified registration form and a common return for Central Excise
and Service Tax, to be named EST-1 proposed. This common return will
comprise only one page, which will be a significant reduction from the 15 pages
of the two returns at present.
5) Exempt the film industry from Service Tax on copyrights relating to recording of
cinematographic films. B) Central Excise
1) Standard rate of excise duty raised from 10 per cent to 12 per cent.
2) Excise duty on certain categories of cigarettes and bidis, pan masala and chewing
tobacco is being increased.
3) Silver jewellery will now be fully exempt from excise duty.
4) Unbranded precious metal jewellery will attract excise duty on the lines of
branded jewellery. Operations are being simplified and measures taken to
minimize impact of this provision on small artisans and goldsmiths.
5) Large cars currently attract excise duty depending on their engine capacity and
length. Rate of duty enhanced from 22 per cent to 24 per cent. In the case of cars
that attract a mixed rate of duty of 22 per cent + Rs 15,000 per vehicle, to be
increased the duty and switch over to an ad valorem rate of 27 per cent.
C) Custom
1) The Budget offers relief to different sectors of economy, especially those under stress.
Import of equipment for fertilizer projects are being fully exempted from basic
customs duty of 5 per cent for 3 years. Basic customs duty is also being lowered for a
number of equipment used in agriculture and related areas.
2) No change in peak customs duty of 10 per cent on non-agricultural goods
3) Customs duty is being increased on completely built large cars/ SUVs/ MUVs of
value exceeding $40,000.
4) In the realm of infrastructure, customs relief is being given to power, coal and
railways sectors. While steam coal gets full customs duty exemption for 2 years
(with the concessional counter-veiling duty of 1 per cent), natural gas, LNG and
certain uranium fuel get full duty exemption this year. Different levels of duty
concessions are being provided to help mining, railways, roads, civil aviation,
manufacturing, health and nutrition and environment. So as to help modernization
of the textile industry, a number of equipment are being fully exempted from basic
customs duty, and lower customs duty is being proposed for some other items used
by the textile industry.
5) Customs duty is being raised for gold bars and coins of certain categories, platinum
and gold ore. Customs duty is to be imposed on coloured gem stones.
6) Full exemption from basic customs duties has been proposed on waste paper, LCD
and LED TV Panels and parts of memory card for mobile phones extend concessional
basic customs duty of 5 per cent with full exemption from excise duty/ CVD to six
specified life-saving drugs/ vaccines in this year's budget.
7) Basic customs duty on soya protein concentrate and isolated soya protein to 10 per
cent from the present 30 per cent or 15 per cent respectively. Basic customs duty and
excise duty reduced on iodine from 6 per cent to 2.5 per cent. On probiotics, the basic
customs duty is now 5 per cent reduced from 10 per cent.
8) The duty-free baggage allowance for eligible passengers of Indian origin from
Rs.25,000 to Rs. 35,000 and for children upto 10 years from Rs.12,000 to Rs.15,000.
The baggage allowance was last revised in 2004. Goods and Service Tax
The structure of GST Network (GSTN) has been approved by the Empowered
Committee of State Finance Ministers, GSTN will be set up as a National Information
Utility and will become operational by August 2012. The GSTN will implement common
PAN-based registration, returns filing and payments processing for all States on a shared
platform. The use of PAN as a common identifier in both direct and indirect taxes, will
enhance transparency and check tax evasion.
Direct Tax Code
Tax proposals in Budget 2012-13 mark progress in the direction of movement towards
These highlights have been prepared purely for academics purposes only and it does not
necessarily reflect the views of ICSI. Any person wishing to act on the basis of these highlights
should do so only after cross checking with the original source.

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